To apply the background color only on the text spanning to multiple lines, the solution is to make the text container as an inline element rather than a block element.
Playing & pausing a CSS animation can be done by using the animation-play-state property. Completely restarting the animation can be done by first removing the animation and then applying it again.
Animation can be done on an element which is dynamically inserted to page using CSS animation property. This property allows to give an initial and the final state of an element, and perform an animation between those states.
A linear gradient background can be applied for a text by using the background-clip: text CSS property. With this the linear gradient background will be clipped to the text only.
Using some CSS, Youtube / Vimeo iframes can be laid out in a specified aspect ratio. Once aspect ratio of the iframe is set, videos will be responsive.
An image can be set as the background for a text by using the background-clip: text CSS property. This property will make the background extend beneath the text only.
Custom elements can be styled using CSS defined in its Shadow DOM, or through user-defined CSS defined in the main page. User-defined CSS rules will always override the CSS defined in the Shadow DOM.
Pie charts can be created using the CSS conic-gradient() function. This creates an image gradient which can then be placed as the background of the container.
Checkboxes can be customized using the CSS appearance property. This property allows to suppress the native appearance of an element so that CSS can be used to restyle it.
The look of radio buttons can be customized using the CSS appearance property. This property allows to suppress the native appearance of an element so that CSS can be used to restyle it.
The arrow icon in select input can be hidden by setting the CSS appearance to none. This property allows to suppress the native appearance of an element, so that CSS can be used to restyle it.