Checking for Substrings in Javascript - ES6 Methods

Published on January 20, 2019

ES6 has brought forward newer ways of checking for substrings. The best part is that they all return either a true or false — unlike the usual indexOf method.

Checking Anywhere in the String with includes

  • includes checks for a substring in a given string
  • Returns a boolean true if the search string is found anywhere in the given string, false otherwise
  • includes is case sensitive
var main_string = 'Hello what are you looking for ?';
var search = 'looking';

// gives true

Checking in the Starting of String with startsWith

  • startsWith checks whether a string starts with a given substring
  • Returns true if substring is found in the beginning of the string, false otherwise
  • case sensitive
var main_string = 'Twinkle twinkle little star';

// gives true

// gives false

Checking in the Ending of String with endsWith

  • endsWith checks whether a string ends with a given substring
  • Returns true if substring is found in the end of the string, false otherwise
  • case sensitive
var main_string = 'My name is James Bond';

// gives true

// gives false

Checking for Case Insensitive Substrings ?

All the 3 methods discussed above are case sensitive. For a case-insensitive search you can use toLowerCase method to convert both the main string and search sting to lowercase and then use the usual includes, startsWith or endsWith.


Otherwise you will need to perform a search with regular expressions using search or test methods.

In this Tutorial