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Sitemap Supporting Revalidation in NextJS (App Router)

New versions of NextJS (14+) can now automatically create dynamic sitemaps that also supports revalidation. The sitemap will get updated at regular intervals as exported through revalidate variable.
21 July 2024

Intersection of 2 Javascript Arrays Made Easy with Sets

The intersection() method of the Set object has made it very easy to get intersection of 2 arrays. This method is supported in all browsers now.
21 July 2024

Implement MUI Theming in NextJS App Router

A custom MUI theme can be implemented in the root layout script of the NextJS app. If you are using server side rendering for layout, you will need to include MUI theming as a client side component.
21 July 2024

Integrate Google Analytics in NextJS

Google Analytics can be integrated in a NextJS app by including the Google Analytics script in the root layout.js script and configure Google Analytics indicating a single page application.
15 July 2024

NextJS Conditional Root Layout for Authenticated Applications (App Router)

When NextJS app has some pages meant for authenticated users and some pages for non-authenticated users, we need a conditional root layout.
15 July 2024

AWS DynamoDB : Query Multiple Items in Node.js

There is no DynamoDB API to query multiple items by primary key in a single operation. However BatchGetItemCommand can be used to batch multiple read requests and get up to 100 items.
15 July 2024

AWS DynamoDB Write Transactions in Node.js

Write transactions are supported in DynamoDB's Node SDK via the TransactWriteItemsCommand method. Transactions can include up to 100 insert, update or delete operations. Either all of the operations will be successful or nothing will be successful.
15 July 2024

AWS IAM Policy for Specific S3 Buckets

AWS IAM policy giving all permissions only for specific S3 Buckets. The user can perform all actions but only on given buckets.
26 June 2024

AWS IAM Policy for Specific DynamoDB Tables

AWS IAM policy that gives all permissions only for specific DynamoDB Tables. The user can perform all actions but only on given tables.
25 June 2024

No Boolean Primary Key Allowed for DynamoDB Tables : How to Handle

DynamoDB does not allow a boolean attribute to be set as the primary key (partition key or sort key) of a table or an index. This can be bypassed by using a String or Number data type instead of the Boolean type.
22 June 2024

Get All Rows from DynamoDB Table (Scan or Query) using Node.js

DynamoDB has a maximum limit of 1 MB in its Query or Scan API responses. To get the full data we need to make use of the LastEvaluatedKey response attribute.
22 June 2024

Create DynamoDB Tables (with Index) using Node.js

Tables can be created in DynamoDB using the CreateTableCommand() method of the AWS DynamoDB Javascript SDK.
21 June 2024

Check DynamoDB Tables Exist using Node.js

We can check whether specific DynamoDB tables exist using the AWS Javascript SDK. The ListTablesCommand method can be used to list DynamoDB tables in a region.
18 June 2024
Web Development Updates

Firefox 127 Released, Adds New Methods for Comparison of Sets

Firefox 127 was released on 11th June 2024. It has added many updates, however the best part is that it has implemented multiple Set methods for comparison of two Sets.
17 June 2024

Deploy Next.JS Application on AWS Lightsail

This tutorial discusses how to deploy your Next.JS app over AWS Lightsail. Virtual servers, CDN and domains are discussed.
16 June 2024
Web Development Updates

CSS backdrop-filter is Finally Unprefixed Across All Browsers

With the release of Safari 18 beta, backdrop-filter CSS property is finally un-prefixed across all browsers.
13 June 2024

Experiences of Migrating PHP-MySQL Site to NodeJS / React on AWS Cloud

Experiences of upgrading usefulangle.com, site based on PHP & MySQL to a NextJS app with DynamoDB as the database and deployed on AWS cloud.
12 June 2024

Changing Color of Radio Buttons with CSS accent-color

The color of radio buttons can be changed using the CSS accent-color property.
13 November 2021

Creating Unique Ids in Deno

In Deno MD5 unique ids can be created using the uuid library. This is a standard library which is reviewed by the Deno team.
8 April 2021

Getting MD5 Hash String in Deno

In Deno MD5 hash of a given string can be created using the hash library. This is a standard library which is reviewed by the Deno team.
6 April 2021