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Selecting Child Elements with CSS

This tutorial discusses how to select child elements of a specific element with CSS.

Selecting Only Immediate Children with Child Combinator ( > )

The > character is a combinator that selects elements that are direct children of the parent element.

> is referred as a combinator because it combines 2 CSS selectors. The first selector is the parent, and the second selector refers to the children.

> character selects only immediate children — grand-children or grand-grand-children etc are not selected.

Example 1 :

<ul class="first-list">
/* all "li" elements inside "ul.first-list" */
ul.first-list > li {
	padding: 10px 0;

Example 2 :

<div class="parent-container">
	<div class="post">
		<div class="post">Post</div>
/* selects only the outer "div.post"
inner "div.post" is not selected as it is not the immediate child of ".parent-container" */
.parent-container > .post {
	border: 1px solid blue;

Selecting Children, Grand-Children etc with Descendant Combinator (   )

The   (single space) combinator selects elements that are descendants of the parent element. They can be direct children, and also can be grand-children, grand-grand-children etc.

The space character   is added between 2 CSS selectors. The first is the parent, and the second is its descendant.

Example 1 :

<div class="outer">
/* all "span" elements inside the "div" */
div.outer span {
	padding: 10px 0;

Example 2 :

<div class="parent-container">
	<div class="post">
		<div class="post">Post</div>
/* both "div.post" will be selected */
.parent-container .post {
	border: 1px solid blue;