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An Introduction to WebVR (VIDEO)

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality offer great viewing experiences. In the past, it was not adopted at a fast pace. From the developer point of view, the learning curve was steep and making the VR experience work on all VR headsets was difficult. From the end-user point of view, the user had to view the webpage separately (in a browser) and VR experience separately (in a separate app). On top of it, the VR view was not guaranteed to work on every VR headset — this caused most users to opt out of the VR experience.

This all changes with WebVR. Javascript WebVR APIs will be supported by all VR devices. The end-user does not have to install a separate app to view the VR experience — he can view it in the same webpage which he is browsing.

"VR and AR are the future of computing."

Technology is changing fast. As mobile phones got more popular, mobile browsers came up and web developers were advised to make websites responsive so that they could be viewed nicely in a mobiles. Today, web developers create a web application with the automatic mindset that it shall be used both on desktops and mobiles.

It's time for the next round of progressive enhancement — making web pages work on desktops, mobiles and VR devices!

Useful Resources