Use-Cases of this Tutorial
- Find the type of a variable - null, string, array etc.
Javascript provides 2 operators to check the type of a given value :
typeof : This checks whether the value is one of the primitive data types. It will return a string specifying the type — "undefined" / "string" / "number" / "boolean" / "object" etc.
instanceof : This checks the "kind" of an object. For example, Javascript arrays are basically objects. Using this we can check whether a given value represents an array.
instanceof will return a boolean true / false depending on whether the value is an instance of a given object or not.
Checking for undefined
typeof operator will return "undefined" for an undefined value.
var a;
// "Undefined value"
if(typeof a == "undefined")
console.log("Undefined value");
console.log("Defined value");
Alternatively you can use the strict equality operator to check for undefined.
var a;
// "Undefined value"
if(a === undefined)
console.log("Undefined value");
console.log("Defined value");
Checking for null
Unfortunately due to a Javascript bug, typeof operator on null will return the type as "object".
So we need to use the strict equality operator === to check for a null.
var b = null;
// "Null value"
if(b === null)
console.log("Null value");
console.log("Not null value");
Checking for a Number
typeof operator will return "number" for a numeric value.
var a = 5;
// "Numeric value"
if(typeof a == "number")
console.log("Numeric value");
console.log("Not a number");
Checking for a String
typeof operator will return "string" for a string of characters.
var a = 'Tree';
// "String value"
if(typeof a == "string")
console.log("String value");
console.log("Not a string");
Checking for a Boolean
typeof operator will return "boolean" for boolean values (true / false).
var a = true;
// "Boolean value"
if(typeof a == "boolean")
console.log("Boolean value");
console.log("Not a boolean");
Checking for an Object
typeof operator will return "object" if the value represents an object.
var a = { key: "value" };
// "Object"
if(typeof a == "object")
console.log("Not an object");
Checking for an Array
typeof operator on an array will return "object" (as Javascript array is an object internally). However sometimes we need to check whether the value represents an array or not.
Ths can be done with the instanceof operator. This will check whether the value is a specific "kind" of an object.
var a = [1, 2, 3];
// "Represents an array"
if(a instanceof Array)
console.log("Represents an array");
console.log("Does not represent an array");