How to Convert Array to a String in Javascript

Published on October 31, 2019

Use-Cases of this Tutorial

  • Know how to convert an array to a string by joining its elements.
  • Know about Array.join() method.

A Javascript array can be converted to a string by using the join() method to join elements of the array separated by a given character or string.

Converting an array to a string is very commonly required in Javascript programming. To handle this we have the join() method.

The join() method concatenates all elements of the calling array with a given separator string between each pair of elements. The combined string is returned.

Example - Array to string by joining elements with a space :

var arr = [ "As", "the", "cheerless", "towns", "pass", "my", "window" ];

var combined = arr.join(" ");


// "As the cheerless towns pass my window"

Example - Array to string by joining elements with a comma and space :

var arr = [ "John", "David", "Jack", "Veronica", "Raj" ];

var combined = arr.join(", ");


// "John, David, Jack, Veronica, Raj"

Example - Array to string by joining elements with newline and line break :

var arr = [ "John", "David", "Jack", "Veronica", "Raj" ];

var combined = arr.join("\n\r");


In this Tutorial