While uploading an image, sometimes it may be required to resize it on the client side and sending the resized image to the server. The <canvas> element is a good way to resize client side images without using server side resources.
'use client'
export default function FileResize() {
async function imageResize() {
const originalImage = document.querySelector("[name='file']").files?.[0]
const previewURL = URL.createObjectURL(originalImage)
const img = new Image()
img.src = previewURL
await img.decode()
// resize image to 300 x 300
const offscreenResize = new OffscreenCanvas(300, 300)
const offscreenResizeContext = offscreenResize.getContext("2d")
offscreenResizeContext.drawImage(img, 0, 0, 300, 300)
// resized image blob
// this can be sent to server
const resizedImage = await offscreenResize.convertToBlob({ type: 'image/jpeg', quality: 0.8 })
// clear object url
return (
<input type="file" name="file" />
<button onClick={imageResize}>Resize</button>
We are using an OffscreenCanvas since we just need to resize the image and use it rather than rendering the canvas on the page. OffscreenCanvas is a better way of doing this as computation is done on an alternative asynchronous thread and not on the main thread.