Google Chrome to Start Highlighting Fast Links on Mobile (Based on Page Speed)


Page speed is becoming more and more important each day. The latest version of Google Chrome mobile (version 85 currently in beta) will now start labeling a link as a "Fast Page" if it is indeed fast by Google's standards.

The feature will work something like this :

  • User opens a web page.
  • The page may contain links. The user long-presses a link prior to navigating to it.
  • The context menu that opens up may contain the badge "Fast Page" if the page is fast.

How is a Page Categorized as Fast ?

Google Chrome analyzes the historical Core Web Vitals metrics to label a link as fast.

Core Web Vitals of a page can be found from Google PageSpeed Insights.

Will This Change User Behavior ?

The user, knowing that some of the navigated links may turn out to be slow, may choose not to open those links.

Page Speed Becomes More Important

Apart from using page speed as a ranking factor in Google search, it is slowly being extended as an inbuilt feature in the most popular browser.

Good news for end users as they will have a better web experience. But a stressful news for web developers and site admins as they will need to work on page performance. It seems only the fittest pages will survive the internet.

Official Chromium blog post

August 18, 2020


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